6th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Show House

6th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Show House

As a proud sponsor, we are delighted to once again announce our participation in the 6th Annual Kips Bay Decorator Show House. The doors to 3240 North Flagler Drive in West Palm Beach’s Northwood Shore will open on Friday, February 24th with a stunning transformation of this Italianate style estate located on the Intracoastal Waterway.

Dea Fine Linens collaborated with award-winning designer Amy Studebaker of Amy Studebaker Design and the eminently accomplished Jennifer Mabley and Austin Handler of Mabley Handler Interior Design to furnish bed linens for two of the 6 bedrooms at the house. Known for her ability to layer color and pattern, Amy chose Dea’s MELANY boldly scalloped and embroidered sheets to complement her design of the garden themed Primrose Room. Mabley Handler’s tropically inspired and aptly named Welcome to the Jungle bedroom features VERSILIA embroidered bed linens and AFFRESCO embroidered towels. Throughout the house, be on the lookout for our luxuriously indulgent cashmere throws.


Amy Studebaker Design's "Primrose Park"

Amy Studebaker Design's "Primrose Park"
Courtesy of Amy Studebaker Design

Mabley Handler Interior Design's "Welcome to the Jungle!"

Mabley Handler Interior Design's "Welcome to the Jungle!"
Courtesy of Mabley Handler Interior Design 


For these and a wonderful array of other styles and designs visit us online or in store at 341 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, Florida.

Read more about the upcoming Kips Bay Decorator Show House in a recent Veranda article: https://www.veranda.com/decorating-ideas/a42780903/kips-bay-palm-beach-design-trends/
